Friday, September 30, 2005

Is it REALLY that hard to come to work....????

Explain to me how someone can have a perfectly clean record, with no reprimands on their file, and in only a month's time, receive three (four equals termination), and then add two call-ins to that within a 30-day period?!! (The third call-in point makes for a 4th reprimand, which in turn makes for termination). In all honesty, the person no-called, no-show, which is automatic two-point, so in theory, they're gone....I don't get of the HARDEST places in the world to get fired from....(Yo Al!) No one has made contact, let's hope there is nothing seriously wrong...

On another is my "Saturday"...GOD BLESS THE WEEKEND!!!! As most of you have read, it has been non-stop for me since I've been back from my trip...I'm glad to actually have a weekend with nothing on the books...I definitely would like to catch a couple of movies (Corpse Bride and Serenity being my top two must-sees).

Today also marks a very special time of year in celebration....FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL kicks off today at EPCOT!!! Not only is it my favorite time of year, weather-wise, but you get great food and great wine in a great's GREAT! This year should be an interesting experience, however. As many of you know, I have taken a self-induced sobriety/cleansing over the last few months (last drink was in March)...not for any particular reason. Just thought I would take a break for a bit....I'm thinking by New Year's or next birthday (March), I'll make the leap off the wagon! Of course...all of that wine around me may be too tempting to resist a sip here or there.... ;-)

Only two weeks until Jess Laney gets here!!! YAY!!!!! (And yes, I typed her full name for those that don't know her, but she's also one of those people who requires both names when you talk about them....perhaps it should be Jess-Laney). She is my best friend from college (go Noles!), and lives in (????),, that's not right...I know it as the "creek-bank", so we'll just say that's where she lives in Bama! Jess is coming in town for the big Derek Crabbs' 30th birthday weekend. She doesn't know him, but we'll be doing Halloween Horror Nights, Food and Wine, and various other social gatherings that weekend, so the timing is, she needs to get the hell out of dodge for a little while....keep away from those psycho neighbors.... ;-)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I've shamed the master....

Somehow, Wednesday has passed me by....and I failed to make an entry...I'm sure the master has many forms of punishment in mind.... :-) know how when you're watching a television program (for some time now), and you know that each episode has some sort of underlying theme, but you don't really notice it all of the time. Well, last night, I had one of those SMACK, it's obvious moments....maybe it took some subtle thinking, maybe it didn't. What I found unique, was how all of the different stories, which really had no connection to one another, all had the same theme in the end. Again, it may have always been this obvious, but I can guarantee that I'll be paying close attention from this time forward.

The show I'm talking about, for those of you waiting for me to get to the POINT, is Nip/Tuck on FX - what a GREAT show, by the twisted, I laugh out loud at how ridiculous it gets at times. I mean....where else will you see Vanessa Redgrave get high with her real-life daughter, Natasha Richardson?! (Their on-screen characters are mother/daughter, as well). Last night's show, which you would think is common for a show about plastic surgery, was all about inner beauty....but not so much inner beauty, as inner self or persona....

The main storyline involved a gorilla named Kiki that needed corrective surgery from a scar she received as a baby (yes, they operate on gorilla's work). In order for her to mate, she needed to appear flawless to the dominant male gorilla. The other two story lines, consisted of the main son character, Matt, who learned that he had been sleeping with a transexual (Famke Jannsen) last season. The final line was about a former gang member, who had his tattoos and gang symbols removed so that he could become a part of "society" again. In the end, they did a great montage where both individuals ended up getting the crap beat out of them (yeah, in some sick way, it was done well). For Matt, it was all about him questioning what he's into (how could he be with a transexual and not that what attracts him, blah, blah, blah). The gang member, despite what he showed on the outside, could not escape the past that haunted him, and had no luck in finding work, due to his record....they did a cliff-hanger with him, so it will be interesting to see if he reverts back to his old ways, or learns who he is on the inside.

I don't know why that seemed so profound....but for such an odd show, the message was there....

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

In the essence of time....

I've decided to post a fun little is late, and I must be up early (my FAVORITE time of day) for a meeting at it is...

NO LOOKING AROUND THE ROOM OR CHEATING!!!!!!! Post your answers as a comment, or drop me an e-mail, and I'll let you know how many you got correct....ENJOY!!!

1. On a standard traffic light, is the green on the top or bottom?
2. How many states are there in the USA? (Don't laugh, some people really don't know)
3. In which hand is the Statue of Liberty's torch?
4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell's soup label?
5. What two numbers on the telephone dial don't have letters by them?
6. When you walk does your left arm swing with your right or left leg?
7. How many matches are in a standard pack?
8. On the United States flag is the top stripe red or white?
9. What is the lowest number on the FM dial?
10. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise? (In North America)
11. Which way does a "no smoking" signs slash run?
12. How many channels on a VHF TV dial?
13. On which side of a women's blouse are the buttons?
14 Which way do fans rotate (when looking up at them)?
15. What is on the back of a Canadian dime?
16. How many sides does a stop sign have?
17. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left side?
18. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel?
19. How many sides are there on a standard pencil?
20. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc... Who's missing?
21. How many hot dog buns are in a standard package?
22. On which playing card is the card maker's trademark?
23. On which side of a Venetian blind is the cord that adjusts the opening between the slats?
24. On the back of a Canadian $1 coin, what is in the center?
25. There are 12 buttons on a touch-tone phone. What 2 symbols bear no digits?
26. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip?
27. Does a merry-go-round turn counter or clockwise?

By the way....I got 18....

Monday, September 26, 2005

Six Feet Under and descending....

Good day, readers. As I sit here on the computer, while also talking to "The Future Mrs. Jackie Lembree" (ooo-oooo!!!!), I'll do my best to's the new fall season, and my TV beckons. Fortunately, I have some things that need to be cleared onto DVD (the last four episodes of WEEDS) to keep the time worthwhile on BOTH the computer AND the TV! And by the don't need to have experienced "the pot" in order to enjoy Showtime's new show "Weeds"...HY-STERICAL!!!

On that same TV-related note...I made a BIG fan mistake. Six Feet Under was laid to rest this year (another GREAT cable-born program), and while I await the arrival of the final season on DVD, I decided to put them on DVD-RW. Each week, I would make the effort to put two episodes on a disc, with their nice little title screen, all set for another viewing (a technical note for future owners - if you ever buy a DVD burner for your living room, NEVER record for more than two-three hours....anything more looks like CRAP!)...yes, I'm a little anal retentive (hush up, peanut gallery!).

Well, I had some unfortunate luck with the LAST TWO EPISODES and the specials to go along with the entire series. SO, I attempted to re-FiVo them while I was overseas, so that I could re-record them to DVD. Long story short, I was able to save the final episode....HOWEVER, I re-formatted the old disc to make room for just the next to last and specials....OK...this is getting too confusing even typing, and no one probably cares at this point...

Basically....I have lost the next to last episode and the two specials, because I didn't re-FiVo them....I re-FiVo'ed an episode four weeks prior...

yeah, that story sucked..... :-)

Ahh, tomorrow is Wednesday....WOO HA!!!! (For me, anyway...) And I'm also in a bit later....that's very nice (1pm). I have my personal training in the morning at 10am...making sure to go a bit easier than last repeats please...

And with blog is posted....

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The rules of the game...

Hello, dear readers (yes, I'm told you are out there), I'm here to input my daily post.

Today was a regular day...started off a bit sleepy (HOORAY the illness has passed) due to the aforementioned sickness. Body was in a bit of "lazy" mode still from taking it easy...OK, I would've used that "lackidaiz...blah blah, shamalamadingdong" work, but for the life of me, I couldn't remember how to spell it....maybe all that "fun" I had in college (quiet, peanut gallery) is starting to catch up with me.... ;-) Eureka!!!! Scratch the above line...."my body was in a bit of a lackadaisical mode still from taking it easy during my sickness"...much better...

I have also entered the blog realm...yep, it makes me a cult member...and I keep getting offered something to drink to fully become a member, but I get this feeling it's something that might not be my cup of tea... :-) "#2" has officially invited me into his "Green Circle"....I've added his blog in the column to the right - check it's zany and fun....yes, I said ZANY (RIP, Fiery L...)

Yesterday was Patrick's service in NJ - although I couldn't be there, it was on my mind. Ironically, I received a special gift from him that day - the picture of him and I from his December trip showed up on my doorstep, courtesy of his sister, Fran, in a very nice black frame. What a great memento! I haven't posted anything on his site, since I haven't had much to say about things lately. I'm in the process of looking through old videos and photos to see if I can find something to send to his family, and share with his friends on the site. There HAS to be something from my trip to Universal with the gang, or the Phoenix trip - I am addicted to the video camera, after all!

And for those of you in dying suspense (all three of you currently out there), I will be sharing information on my trip...just need to get my Peking Ducks in a row...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Can it get any worse?!

Though it has been a few days since my last post, it's going to be a short one (more details to come...)

Good news! Patrick's sister found the photo that he and I took together at Christmas, when I got him into the Studios to surprise his father that he was home for the holidays (and especially pertinent moment, considering that this was the last time they saw one another).

Bad news....either something I ate, or something someone has passed along to me, cause me to wake up at 3:30am, "clean out my stomach" around 6:30am, and be in a constant state of aches and pains, and a headache that won't react to ANY medication I've pushed it's way. Not to mention, my physical therapist kicked my ASS yesterday at the gym, so my entire body not only aches from the lack of working out that my body was forced to endure yesterday, but it's also suffering from this "flu" or "food poisining"....I pray it wasn't food poisining, cause it may deter my love of Outback Steakhouse....of course, if it's the flu....this isn't close to being over, yet....

AND....due to the illness, I was not able to make it to Ft. Lauderdale for Nick's birthday....

OK...I feel miserable....why am I still typing....

(And yes, I had to call-in to work for the first time since I've been in my new area....)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Has it been two days already....?!

Well, time seems to be flying by, these days...tomorrow, er, today, is already my Wednesday (work week!). One step closer to adventures down south this pertaining, of course.

And speaking of that....what in the HELL is going on with the weather these days?! Last year was insane with the hurricanes....fortunately, we've been spared (so far) this year...and correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we have broken the record for named storms in the Atlantic (Opal was the previous record?!). Now we're up to Rita?! Here's hoping Rita takes a turn a little further south, so I can make my trip to Ft. Lauderdale this weekend. The ironic part....this time last year I had to cancel my trip for his birthday (and he, in turn, cancelled his party), due to Hurricane Jeanne!

Today was a good day at work, from a technology stand-point. Through some not-surprising mishap, I received my brand new Blackberry at work today. This is "leadership's" attempt at getting us away from our desks more, and spending time with the Cast and our Guests...boy, was that a company line, or what?! The reason it's a surprise...I wasn't supposed to get it until my class next Tuesday....oh, well!!! I've actually figured out how to use it already, so I'm not really looking forward to the class....perhaps there's a way I can escape 90 minutes of "here's the handout, and now I'm going to spend the rest of the time reading it to you"...that's a typical tradition at work.

Here's a thought....why don't you send me the handout, and provide me a number I can call, should I have questions...instead of taking up time out of my day?! GRRRR!!!!'s late, I'm tired, and I want to listen to some new music on my IPod....

Saturday, September 17, 2005

I've officially sold my soul to the corporate devil...

Yesterday, in an attempt to comfort my ever-increasing waistline (damnit, I will work out on a regular basis again!!!!), I went shopping for "time-satisfying" pants....when I DO decrease the weight, they go to charity....but enough about frivolity....

The point of the story, having just returned from an extravagant overseas adventure, money finds itself tight right now. SO, I went for the best deals I could find for comfortable work clothes (khakis, etc.). Sadly, this brought me to....I'm almost ashamed to type it....OLD NAVY!!!!! Now, for those of you that know me well enough...I HATE OLD NAVY!!!!! And it's not for any valid reason, but I can't STAND those damn commercials!!! Plus, when you walk in the store, there's just something irritating about it. Of course, not only did I find comfortable pants, but I also walked away with (3) t-shirts (cause they're only $5 a piece!!!!). The even scarier part....I found other things I could've bought there, too!!!!

Ugh...does it help erase my sin that I bought a shirt for a band I really like (Silverstein - they rock!) at Hot Topic just before......

Thursday, September 15, 2005

To what do I owe this weekend's pleasures...

Well, to be honest...not a hell of a lot...jet lag seems as though it has worn off, but the result is my new bedtime of 10pm!!!! Makes for fun on the weekends, eh?! So, although I am expecting a few late nights, they will be pushed to the limit as my body once again reacts to changing circumstances...but enough about the trip already! ;-)

In all honesty, it is going to be a busy weekend. The days, though they are beautiful outside, will be spent continuing the catch-up of what FiVo(my rip-off version of TiVo) had to offer me while I was away...all I can say is that downstairs right now, there are strange noises of grunting and moaning, and they're not coming from me. They are actually from the new HBO show ROME (SFU, RIP), which hasn't turned out to be too bad so far....explicit scenes included! (and for those of you wondering....I WILL be "rewinding" them since I obviously missed them while typing this entry)

Despite all of the lame, indoor, couch-potato TV watching, it is good-friend, Kevin's birthday this weekend....he'd killing me for saying, but he's turning 34!!! Not too bad for someone with a hot 26 yr old wife, and two beautiful children (both boys, both got their parent's good looks, ages 5 and 3). So, tomorrow night is the official gathering, though he doesn't know he's the reason we're getting together, and Saturday is the actual day, which will be spent watching the UF/Tennessee game on TV....yes, I know....shame on me for not paying attention to my Noles. But, (1), it is his birthday, and (2), that game sounds a little more exciting than FSU/Boston College....sorry, Boston....

And, to top off my exciting adjustment back to sleep reality, I was met with the news that we will be going into rehearsals AGAIN for our show. So, back to the night shift for me! (Honestly, no complaints, usually...but this damn body schedule has me up in the mornings....ECK!!!)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Is it TGIF already?!

Man, how time seems to fly these days! Vacation being here and gone was a whirlwind I'm already to the end of my first week back at work?! I guess that's what happens when you have so many things to catch up on (though admittedly, not too bad for being away 16 days!), that time goes so quickly.

I am happy to be at my weekend, however. I'll enjoy my time at home, since it's off to south Florida, for the birthday of my college roommate, Nick. He is exactly six months (to the day) younger than me, so for those of you wondering, that makes him God! 27?!?! Are we really that old (still younger than #2!)

More stories and news flood in about Patrick....I am desperately trying to track down a friend of his I met on my last night in Phoenix, over three years ago! She took us out for what I still consider to be one of the craziest, and most fun, nights of my life. Let's just say it started with fondue and margaritas at an outdoor hacienda, and ended with me getting on the plane the next morning....the middle part is still kind of a blur, but I remember this nice lady throwing 100 dollar bills our way at the casino, and yelling at us to "Sit the FUCK down and play some poker"! YES, MAM!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Well friends, the fun never stops around here....

Today was a busy day at work - non-stop questions and problems to solve with my cast, on top of which we had additional shows, AND a safety fair at work (which I was involved in, but in actuality, had little to do on the day of the event....WHEW!!!)

The Patrick story continues to unfold - for those of you who have not linked to learn more on his blog dedication site....he had been complaining of chest pains for a couple of weeks, and had shared this with one of his brothers, but said not to make a big deal of it with the rest of his family. Needless to say, the stubborn jerk didn't bother to investigate the problem (blowing it off as possible panic attacks), and we all know the end result of that matter. Especially foolish, considering his mom died of a heart attack, his one brother had one, but was revived, and his father has survived a triple bypass surgery....PEOPLE - WATCH THE WARNING SIGNS AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES!!!!

What I find most interesting about this whole situation is how the death of someone has opened up a connectivity amongst people. Sharing on the site, and now speaking to his sister thru e-mail (who, mind you, I have never meant or even knew her name to this point - just knew he was the baby of six), it's interesting to learn how you can become apart of people's lives without even knowing it. Apparently, he had talked of me to his family (and friends), so I've gotten several "so glad we found you" remarks! On the same note, I guess it's the same for them, since I know most of their names, or about them, but have never met....

It just goes to show how much of an impact you can truly have on someone's life without evening knowing it....

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Well, was the triumphant return to work after my well-deserved vacation (there were no trumpets blowing, but I believe there may have been one or two individuals who wished I was their trumpet...#2!!!!)

Today was also a day for remembrance....where were you when 9/11 occurred? My roommate and I were off from work that day(it was a Tuesday), and I was awoken by her, telling us that our friend Jackie (ooo-ooooh) called to say "TURN ON THE TV - A PLANE HIT THE WTC"! We quickly did, and caught the action of the second plane hitting. The two of us were GLUED to the television for the rest of the day....non-stop calls to people, and watching as the story un-folded before our eyes. By 7pm, it was time to get out of that place, and get some fresh air. Chili's was our destination for the night...but it offered such strange atmosphere. I think the most eye-opening experience that night was the table full of Brits near us, who really had no clue what this really meant to our country. Just a group of people here on vacation, feeding off of the tourism, more than our culture...

I wonder if I would've felt the same way, had I been in London during the recent bombings...?

I still continue to process the loss of Patrick. It's been great being in contact with friends of his, most of whom have probably never met (or at least I've only heard of, and not met them in person), but we all share the common bond of one terrific individual...and he truly was that...individual and proud.

I have attached a new link to the side, for something in Philadelphia known as the Attic Youth Center...this was an organization that he supported during his time in Philly, as his family and friends are asking for donations to be made in his name to this place, as opposed to flowers for the ceremony....

Ahh, the ceremony....there is the deep feeling that I should be there to pay my last respects, but at the same time know it is not feasible (both physically and financially) at this point in life...can someone amend that stupid bereavement rule for work and flights for those who are dear to you?! Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Spouse,....FRIEND!!!! They're all important people to us who deserve to have our support, despite "the rules of the system...."

Friday, September 09, 2005

A recent photo of Patrick.... Posted by Picasa
....what a unique mix of emotions I'm feeling right now....

On one hand, I just returned from an amazing vacation overseas where I was infused into the culture before me....

....on the other hand, I'm sitting here in a state of shock and confusion, as I receive an e-mail from a person I don't know, telling me to check out a blog site dedicated to the memory of a friend of mine....the hard part about this, is that I have NO EARTHLY IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!! This was a person who I kept in touch with after we met six years ago in Orlando. We stayed in touch quite a bit, considering that most of our friendship was long distance. I was able to visit the Grand Canyon with him, and more recently, received a holiday visit from him this past Christmas....we have talked several times since then (I want to say it was his b-day on June 30th)...and the next thing I hear of/from him is that he's GONE?! How completely FUCKED UP is that?!

Here's to you, Patrick Kirk....I knew you for only a short time, and don't know what to say (being completely in the dark of the occurences surrounding it) now that you're gone.....

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Hello friends of the world!!! (OK, so far I think only one or two people know about this site...)

Nonetheless, I am currently in Tokyo, Japan, staying at the Hilton near Tokyo Disneyland Resort. Since I've obvisiouly become far too obsessed with modern acoutrements (sp?!), I decided to rent a laptop and internet access for my stay...and a cell phone, too. However, there is good reason, that I hope to share shortly...(so far, the news is not looking favorable in my direction).

Also, as I sit here typing, almost everything that "blogspot" has to offer as far as links, settings, etc. is in Japanese...and not the the kind that my American ass can interpret. So, I not only am guessing which links to clink to make things happen, but I'm also trying not to hit some button that I can't yet figure out, but have also hit accidentally on SEVERAL occassions...this mysterious button then turns all of my type into JAPANESE KANJI!!!!! Yes, it's been a treat....and the fact that certain symbols are in different locations does not help either.

But I digress...Tokyo Disney has been amazing....for (shit...I hit the button again, but have found my way back...sort of....) those of you who might make it over here at some point, you MUST see Tokyo Disney Sea. This is by far the best park we have ever created!!!

This keyboard is starting to piss me OFF, so I'm going to leave you for now, and share more when I'm state-side....


Monday, September 05, 2005

Baai baai....for now....

As I begin my journey into the world of blog, I start with parting words. Tonight I say farewell to the land of Hong Kong....and tomorrow HELLO to the world of Tokyo....details to come my friends, once the trip has commenced...

...and I best be going, as the shuttle to take me to my next destination leaves in about ten minutes...