Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Well friends, the fun never stops around here....

Today was a busy day at work - non-stop questions and problems to solve with my cast, on top of which we had additional shows, AND a safety fair at work (which I was involved in, but in actuality, had little to do on the day of the event....WHEW!!!)

The Patrick story continues to unfold - for those of you who have not linked to learn more on his blog dedication site....he had been complaining of chest pains for a couple of weeks, and had shared this with one of his brothers, but said not to make a big deal of it with the rest of his family. Needless to say, the stubborn jerk didn't bother to investigate the problem (blowing it off as possible panic attacks), and we all know the end result of that matter. Especially foolish, considering his mom died of a heart attack, his one brother had one, but was revived, and his father has survived a triple bypass surgery....PEOPLE - WATCH THE WARNING SIGNS AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES!!!!

What I find most interesting about this whole situation is how the death of someone has opened up a connectivity amongst people. Sharing on the site, and now speaking to his sister thru e-mail (who, mind you, I have never meant or even knew her name to this point - just knew he was the baby of six), it's interesting to learn how you can become apart of people's lives without even knowing it. Apparently, he had talked of me to his family (and friends), so I've gotten several "so glad we found you" remarks! On the same note, I guess it's the same for them, since I know most of their names, or about them, but have never met....

It just goes to show how much of an impact you can truly have on someone's life without evening knowing it....


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