Saturday, September 17, 2005

I've officially sold my soul to the corporate devil...

Yesterday, in an attempt to comfort my ever-increasing waistline (damnit, I will work out on a regular basis again!!!!), I went shopping for "time-satisfying" pants....when I DO decrease the weight, they go to charity....but enough about frivolity....

The point of the story, having just returned from an extravagant overseas adventure, money finds itself tight right now. SO, I went for the best deals I could find for comfortable work clothes (khakis, etc.). Sadly, this brought me to....I'm almost ashamed to type it....OLD NAVY!!!!! Now, for those of you that know me well enough...I HATE OLD NAVY!!!!! And it's not for any valid reason, but I can't STAND those damn commercials!!! Plus, when you walk in the store, there's just something irritating about it. Of course, not only did I find comfortable pants, but I also walked away with (3) t-shirts (cause they're only $5 a piece!!!!). The even scarier part....I found other things I could've bought there, too!!!!

Ugh...does it help erase my sin that I bought a shirt for a band I really like (Silverstein - they rock!) at Hot Topic just before......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Jeffree, I LOVE Old Navy! Be like me and don't watch TV and the commercials won't annoy you! I'm so proud of you for "bargin" shopping. When you start buying regularly at Goodwill - I'll start to worry.


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