Sunday, September 11, 2005

Well, was the triumphant return to work after my well-deserved vacation (there were no trumpets blowing, but I believe there may have been one or two individuals who wished I was their trumpet...#2!!!!)

Today was also a day for remembrance....where were you when 9/11 occurred? My roommate and I were off from work that day(it was a Tuesday), and I was awoken by her, telling us that our friend Jackie (ooo-ooooh) called to say "TURN ON THE TV - A PLANE HIT THE WTC"! We quickly did, and caught the action of the second plane hitting. The two of us were GLUED to the television for the rest of the day....non-stop calls to people, and watching as the story un-folded before our eyes. By 7pm, it was time to get out of that place, and get some fresh air. Chili's was our destination for the night...but it offered such strange atmosphere. I think the most eye-opening experience that night was the table full of Brits near us, who really had no clue what this really meant to our country. Just a group of people here on vacation, feeding off of the tourism, more than our culture...

I wonder if I would've felt the same way, had I been in London during the recent bombings...?

I still continue to process the loss of Patrick. It's been great being in contact with friends of his, most of whom have probably never met (or at least I've only heard of, and not met them in person), but we all share the common bond of one terrific individual...and he truly was that...individual and proud.

I have attached a new link to the side, for something in Philadelphia known as the Attic Youth Center...this was an organization that he supported during his time in Philly, as his family and friends are asking for donations to be made in his name to this place, as opposed to flowers for the ceremony....

Ahh, the ceremony....there is the deep feeling that I should be there to pay my last respects, but at the same time know it is not feasible (both physically and financially) at this point in life...can someone amend that stupid bereavement rule for work and flights for those who are dear to you?! Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Spouse,....FRIEND!!!! They're all important people to us who deserve to have our support, despite "the rules of the system...."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!! Was good seeing you today :)


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