Sunday, September 25, 2005

The rules of the game...

Hello, dear readers (yes, I'm told you are out there), I'm here to input my daily post.

Today was a regular day...started off a bit sleepy (HOORAY the illness has passed) due to the aforementioned sickness. Body was in a bit of "lazy" mode still from taking it easy...OK, I would've used that "lackidaiz...blah blah, shamalamadingdong" work, but for the life of me, I couldn't remember how to spell it....maybe all that "fun" I had in college (quiet, peanut gallery) is starting to catch up with me.... ;-) Eureka!!!! Scratch the above line...."my body was in a bit of a lackadaisical mode still from taking it easy during my sickness"...much better...

I have also entered the blog realm...yep, it makes me a cult member...and I keep getting offered something to drink to fully become a member, but I get this feeling it's something that might not be my cup of tea... :-) "#2" has officially invited me into his "Green Circle"....I've added his blog in the column to the right - check it's zany and fun....yes, I said ZANY (RIP, Fiery L...)

Yesterday was Patrick's service in NJ - although I couldn't be there, it was on my mind. Ironically, I received a special gift from him that day - the picture of him and I from his December trip showed up on my doorstep, courtesy of his sister, Fran, in a very nice black frame. What a great memento! I haven't posted anything on his site, since I haven't had much to say about things lately. I'm in the process of looking through old videos and photos to see if I can find something to send to his family, and share with his friends on the site. There HAS to be something from my trip to Universal with the gang, or the Phoenix trip - I am addicted to the video camera, after all!

And for those of you in dying suspense (all three of you currently out there), I will be sharing information on my trip...just need to get my Peking Ducks in a row...


Blogger GreenLitLindy said...

Oh Jeffrey!

You're a kidder! But a cute kidder at best. I love that about you.

Thanks for including your remberances for my little Fiyero. He will be missed. (But I think that Joe said that PETCO has a return policy. I have to freeze him for proof. Fun!)

Oh well...I hope that your ankles are fine. And you thought of me in a special way when you linked our blog souls together.

All things ODIQDUM!



ODIQDUM: When an odd moment renders the Queers dum struck without retort.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're ruining the rules of the game....UR SO BUSTED ---hehehe:)


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