Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Has it been two days already....?!

Well, time seems to be flying by, these days...tomorrow, er, today, is already my Wednesday (work week!). One step closer to adventures down south this weekend....weather pertaining, of course.

And speaking of that....what in the HELL is going on with the weather these days?! Last year was insane with the hurricanes....fortunately, we've been spared (so far) this year...and correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we have broken the record for named storms in the Atlantic (Opal was the previous record?!). Now we're up to Rita?! Here's hoping Rita takes a turn a little further south, so I can make my trip to Ft. Lauderdale this weekend. The ironic part....this time last year I had to cancel my trip for his birthday (and he, in turn, cancelled his party), due to Hurricane Jeanne!

Today was a good day at work, from a technology stand-point. Through some not-surprising mishap, I received my brand new Blackberry at work today. This is "leadership's" attempt at getting us away from our desks more, and spending time with the Cast and our Guests...boy, was that a company line, or what?! The reason it's a surprise...I wasn't supposed to get it until my class next Tuesday....oh, well!!! I've actually figured out how to use it already, so I'm not really looking forward to the class....perhaps there's a way I can escape 90 minutes of "here's the handout, and now I'm going to spend the rest of the time reading it to you"...that's a typical tradition at work.

Here's a thought....why don't you send me the handout, and provide me a number I can call, should I have questions...instead of taking up time out of my day?! GRRRR!!!!

OK...it's late, I'm tired, and I want to listen to some new music on my IPod....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're going to Nick's this weekend? Is it that time of year already?? I would love to go, but thankfully I have been keeping busy with Real Estate (...honest...I'll pay you back...soon). Tell Nick I say hi.

p.s. Got your text message on your Blackberry. Pretty cool! Ben just bought me one. It's going to take me a while to update it with pertinent information.



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